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Colleen Hughes Driscoll - 2016 Strategic Innovation Symposium (IE)

Colleen Hughes Driscoll

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

University of Maryland School of Medicine

Colleen Hughes Driscoll, M.D. is a practicing neonatologist at the University of Maryland Childrenäó»s Hospital.  She received medical training at Upstate Medical University, University of Maryland Medical Center, and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.  She received training in Health Care Delivery Improvement from Intermountain Institute for Healthcare Leadership Advanced Training Program.  As the Director of Quality Improvement for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, she has led quality improvement projects to improve patient care and communication surrounding patient care.  She has taught trainees in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine on quality improvement methodologies and has mentored several trainee-led quality improvement projects.

In 2015, she led the development of a wireless text messaging system to improve communication for neonatal resuscitation, winning the 2016 Intelligent Health Association Grand Award and the Award for Improving Patient Care and Health Delivery.  Dr. Driscoll's clinical and research interests involve using technology to improve healthcare delivery and neonatal outcomes.