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Andrew Smyth - Smart Cities Innovation Accelerator at NYC

Andrew Smyth

Professor of Civil Engineering & Chair of the Smart Cities Center

Columbia University

Specializes in infrastructure health monitoring, using sensor information to determine the condition of criticalinfrastructure. Recently his interest in sensor network monitoring has expanded to large fleets of vehiclesin urban environments. Smyth has been involved with the sensor instrumentation and vibration analysis andremote monitoring of a large number of iconic long-span bridges and landmark buildings and museums. Hisresearch interests include the development of data fusion and system identification algorithms to derive maximuminformation from large heterogeneous sensor networks monitoring dynamical systems, nonlinear systemdynamical modeling and simulation, and natural hazards risk assessment. He is an NSF CAREER award recipient,2008 ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize recipient, and in 2013 was elected as a Fellow of theASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute.