Jamie Cudden
Smart City Program Manager
Dublin City Council
Jamie leads the development and implementation of Dublin City Council’s Smart City strategy and the roll-outof “Smart Dublin” across the city-region. He has extensive experience working across industry, local and centralgovernment to deliver projects that enhance Dublin’s economic competitiveness. He is currently a Director andCompany Secretary with ECO-UNESCO, a leading Irish environmental education charity that works with youngpeople across Ireland. Jamie holds a science degree from Trinity College Dublin and a Masters in GeographicInformation Science (GIS) from University College London. He previously worked in policy and technicaladvisory roles with Kensington and Chelsea Borough in London, Government office for London, the HomeOffice, Met Police and the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science in the UK. He is currently a member of the TMforum global Smart City Leadership Team, the Wireless Broadband Alliance connected cities advisory board(CCAB) and is the current President of the City Protocol Society.