Linda Doyle
Professor of Engineering & the Arts
CONNECT, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin
Linda Doyle is the Director of CONNECT and is the Professor of Engineering and the Arts in Trinity CollegeDublin, University of Dublin. CONNECT is a national research centre focused on future networks andcommunications, is co-funded by Science Foundation Ireland and industry, headquartered in Trinity College andis spread over ten different academic institutions in Ireland. Her expertise is in the fields of Internet-of-Things,cognitive radio, reconfigurable networks, spectrum management, digital markets, and creative arts practices.Linda has raised over 80 million in research funding in the past decade and has published widely in her field.Prof. Doyle has a reputation as an advocate for change in spectrum management practices and has played a rolein spectrum policy at the national and international level. Currently she is a member of the National BroadbandSteering Committee in Ireland, and is a member of the Ofcom Spectrum Advisory Board in the UK. Prof. Doyleis on the advisory board of Wireless@KTH in Sweden. She is a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin.